Dear friends, dear comrades… We are still here.

Dear friends, dear comrades,

Twitter is not a communication channel we like, first and foremost because it is a capitalist company with the only aim to make profits. But there are some things we want to share with all of you, and we didn’t have time to organize a better way to do it.

Our twitter account started one year ago, after Turkish regime started serious threats to invade Rojava. Back then, we wanted to let people know about our existence, to let everyone know that in Rojava, together with the kurds, arabs and assyrians, shoulder to shoulder with communists, feminists, ecologists and international apoists, there is a bunch of anarchists ready to fight to defend this revolution.

We are still here.

In the last year we went through very hard times, but also through very important and beautiful moments. Especially the last months have been very intense, for us and for all the revolutionaries in Rojava and around the world. We did everything that was in our hands to defend this revolution, but it was not enough to stop the invasion of the Turkish army and their islamist allies.

We will continue doing everything we can to get rid of this bloody occupation.

Revolution is a tension, is a movement, is a contradiction. Revolution is a conflict. The way we approach the problems, how we look for solutions, how we try to improve and develop our militant personalities is what can bring us closer to our aims. Because:

“You cannot buy the revolution.

You cannot make the revolution.

You can only be the revolution.

It is in your spirit or it is nowhere.”

Long live international solidarity, against all kind of oppression!

With passion and revolutionary love,

Tekoşina Anarşist