All posts by tekosinaanarsist

Kuwasi Balagoon painting

Tekoşîna Anarşîst on March 13th, 2019:

“Of all ideologies, anarchy is the one that addresses liberty and equalitarian relations in a realistic and ultimate fashion. It is consistent with each individual having an opportunity to live a complete and total life.”

Kuwasi Balagoon

Awesome painting our good friend and great heval did in our noqte to remember BLA fighter and anarchist Kuwasi Balagoon. His life and actions remain an inspiration to many of us! He will never be forgotten. Complete support for black liberation! Şehîd Namirin! Şehîd Namirin! Continue reading Kuwasi Balagoon painting

International Women’s Day: from Deir Ezzor to every household. Solidarity with all fighting patriarchy!

Happy international womens day! Our heval/jin celebrated on the front in Deir Ezzor. Hevals made them a surprise lunch. They danced to local music which improved everyones morale on such an important day. From DZ to every household solidarity with all fighting patriarchy! …
Continue reading International Women’s Day: from Deir Ezzor to every household. Solidarity with all fighting patriarchy!

The Final Straw radio: Anarchists In Conflict. Rojava + Yellow Vest Movement

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The Final Straw radio:
“In lieu of this month’s BADNews, the gathering produced an 8 hour radio show last week and elements of this broadcast. We’ll present here two interviews from that broadcast concerning the struggle for autonomy in the social revolutionary region of Rojava, in northern Syria. The first is with a fighter with the Tekosina Anarsist (Anarchist Struggle, starts at 42:49) and the second with Zaher Baher, a member of the Kurdish Anarchist Forum in London (starts at 57:04).”

1 year anniversary of the Afrin invasion

Tekoşîna Anarşîst on January 21st 2019:

We commemorate the one year anniversary of the Afrin invasion. We were in afrin from the beginning until the end. We were active on the Raco and Cinderese front and were prepared for the final defense of the city. We support the continued struggle of the people in Afrin!