On memory in struggle. Let our şehîd sharpen our memories

“Our resistance, our struggle is not sacrifice lost.
It’s natural energy properly used.”

-John Trudell

As last day of March comes to pass, we commemorate comrades Şevger, Hêlîn and Tekoşer, who fell defending Rojava revolution, by sharing reflections on memory in struggle.

In every resistance, in every moment one refuses the alienation the system imposes upon us, every act against the grinding wheels of capitalist ideology, against the state, against patriarchy is a risk taken.

The heart of those who choose to stand, to resist, to love, to care, is inflamed, burning in beauty, with intricate connection between the hearts of everyone in struggle. In resistance we lose ones we love, ones we care for, ones we share collective life with.

Often times we lose comrades whom we never knew, ones whose smiles we never had the pleasure of seeing face to face. Despite not having this direct connection, we are all intertwined.

We are a web of resistance, intricately woven, tender and strong, with the energy given from those who’ve fallen being the force we use to build connections, to build our web stronger and stronger.

We never forget our comrades, those who we never met, those who we did. We hold them dearly in our web and strengthen it together.

The energy given by our şehîd is stored in the collective memory of the land, whose soil knows struggle, knows grief, knows intimately the destruction of the system that grows stronger and stronger each day.

Our şehîd connect us to this earth, they are a part of the cycle of life, of our resistance.

We are the land, we are our şehîd, we are power and we are resistance. We are this beautiful strong web we’ve all woven, we are the spiders protecting the web.

Let us never forget, for forgetting is loss. Forgetting is what the system expects, it is how they win.

Let us seek to destroy isolation, keep our şehîd in our hearts and on our backs.

Let our şehîd sharpen our memories, forge new comradeship & bring light to our struggle.