Updates 12-12-24

Updates 12-12-2024

# “Real Politik”

– The military activity is transitioning to political activity, as different agreements, political talks and official declarations are becoming the pivotal elements of the future of Siria. Nation-states wave their plans and make their moves, we won’t dive on that.

– Several governments are stating their intentions of opening embassies in Damascus to start relations with the provisional government, signaling their approval of the interim govrment and the power transition in Syria.

– The autonomous administration made an official statement declaring that all official buildings of DAANES will fly the new/old Syrian flag, as a symbol of victory of the revolution and the fall of the regime. This comes as a paradoxical return since it is the flag that YPG was waving in their first congress in 2013.

# Streets politics

– Protests in different cities are becoming key elements to measure force and support base of different factions. They are also being used as war propaganda, and we can see pro-turkish media accounts spreading videos of gatherings in different cities presenting them as protests against SDF, while at the same time don’t talk about the demonstrations in support of SDF and the Self-Administration institutions.

– A man armed with a light machine gun (PKM) opened fire in the streets of Raqqa, injuring some Assayish (Security forces) and also civilians. Allegedly, 43 people injured, not clear if there are any deads. Pro-turkish channels spreading fake information claiming that SDF opened fire against civilians. SDF is denying it sharing videos of what really happened.

# War on Eufrates region

– A ceasefire was brokered to halt hostilities in Manbij, agreeing to 1) SDF (MMC) to withdraw from Manbij safely 2) The tomb of Suleiman Shah to be given to SNA and Turkey 3) Tishreen dam to become a demilitarized zone with officers of the dam controlling it’s administration.

– SNA groups attacked the area of Tishreen dam with heavy forces despite the announcement of ceasefire. After a turkish drone hit the dam few days ago, and heavy clashes could damage the critical infrastructure of the dam unleashing a terrible catastrophe.

# Analysis

The situation is getting very confusing on the ground, with desinformation spreading on social networks and political talks behind closed doors. Verifying information is becoming a critical step to understand what is happening, since turkish propaganda strategy relays on a very strong desinformation apparatus.

This specially affect a lot of Syrian returnees, since many of them had been living in Turkey and being exposed to the turkish narrative of criminalization of SDF. This will feed ethnical tensions between kurds an arabs, risking more conflicts and even violence.

This comes together with the inter-kurdish conflicts we discussed two days ago, and indicates a general plan of turkish state intelligence to divide and isolate the leading forces of the revolution. Other forces like US or HTS will not oppose to such a plan, since a weakened revolutionary force will make it easier to dilute and manipulate the political project of the DAANES. This puts the achievements of the revolution in serious danger, and is more important than ever to expose and denounce such strategies, building a common revolutionary front to face enemy attacks.

Revolutionary greetings!