Category Archives: War updates

Updates of the ongoing situation in Syria, with focus on NES and with an anarchist perspective

Updates 18-12-24


# NES Updates

– SNA violates the ceasefire by launching attacks in several locations south of Kobani, Qaraqozah bridge and Tishreen dam, despite the US-brokered ceasefire agreement. SDF successfully repelled the attack, inflicting heavy loses to SNA.

– SDF successfully shot down another Turkish “Bayrakdar TB2” drone in the vicinity of the Qaraqozah bridge and destroyed a mobile radar system of the Turkish army near the Tishreen dam.

– Turkish occupation drones bombed a broadcast station for Radio Kobani FM south of Kobani. All equipment was burned and the station damaged.

– ISIS attack on university checkpoint in Al-Kasrat killing two Asayish forces yesterday evening. Two further Asayish and one civilian were wounded.

– the Syrian Federation for Human Rights and 98 Syrian human rights organizations issued a statement condemning the attacks of the Turkish occupation. The statement warned about the danger of return of ISIS under new names and included a list of demands:

# Syria

– Local newspaper reports that HTS informed Palestinian organizations in Syria that they are not allowed to have weapons and conduct trainings on Syrian ground anymore.

– HTS is being blamed for having desecrated a christian graveyard and a church in Hama. Tombs of saints and Christian historic personalities from that region were opened, destroyed and desecrated, holy books thrown on the floor.

– Spokesman for the new Syrian government says that women are not qualified for certain government posts and that the hijab will not be forced on “the Christian component or any other component.” Al-Jolani says: “Syria will not be Afghanistan and I believe in educating women”

– An unknown fire broke out at Aleppo International Stadium in Al-Hamdaniya neighborhood in Aleppo city, a short while ago.

– SNA factions are fighting each other in Manbij neighbourhoods over stolen goods. Also in northern Aleppo the SNA group Ahrar al-Sharqiya clashed against SNA military police.

– Since the beginning of the week, 10 civilians were killed by landmines left behind.

# Foreign Politics

## In EU

– German Foreign Minister A. Baerbock posted on twitter: “Kobani is a symbol of the brave Kurds’ struggle against ISIS. Spilling more blood is the last thing people should experience after 14 years of war.” She also urged Turkey to stop and maintain the integrity of Syrian territory.

– The parliament of Switzerland officially recognised the yezidi Genocide.

– Representatives of the Catalan government are visiting the DAANES on a diplomatic mission. Catalonia is the first government worldwide to recognise the DAANES.

– French Foreign Minister demands that DAANES is part of the political transition in Syria.

## In US

– U.S. Senators L. Graham (Rep) and C. v. Hollen (Dem): “Turkey must accept the ceasefire and demilitarized zone, or we will draft a bipartisan sanctions list as we did in 2019.”

– US State Department: We are considering sending military personnel to Syria

# International Solidarity

– The Internationalist Commune has issued a call for artists to create revolutionary art in all mediums. The full call can be found at:

– 32 NGOs, trade unions and other organisations from Spain sent a letter to the Spanish government in solidarity with the Kurdish people and the DAANES. They list 3 demands: humanitarian assistance, a resolute stand against Turkey and the recognition of the DAANES.

– In Berlin activists squatted the countries biggest news station ZDF, demanding the threats of turkish invasion to become a focus point in german news coverage

# Analysis

The General Commander of YPJ Rohilat Efrîn highlighted the ongoing resistance against foreign occupation and stressed the significance of safeguarding the region’s autonomy and women’s rights. She noted that the Middle East is being redesigned, with paramilitary groups and factions contributing to insecurity. The attacks against women symbolize the broader destabilization of society. The importance of international backing for the region’s self-management system is seen as vital for the Kurdish, Arab, and broader regional populations.

Revolutionary greetings!

Updates 17-12-24


# NES Updates

– The ceasefire agreement between Turkey and SDF has been extended through US mediation until the end of this week. US state dep.: “We dont want to see any party take advantage of the current unstable situation to advance their own narrow interests…”
SDFs M.Abdi states: “we announce our readiness to propose the establishment of a demilitarized zone in the city of Kobani, with the redeployment of security forces under American supervision and presence. This initiative aims to address Turkey’s security concerns and ensure lasting stability in the region.”

## Eufrates region

– The forces of Manbij Military Council repelled an attack by the Turkish occupation mercenaries on the Tishreen Dam this afternoon, where fierce clashes lasted more than two hours, during which a number of mercenaries were eliminated, forcing them to flee the area.

– Multiple drone strikes were reported in Ain Issa and Raqqa, while protests against the turkish invasion plans continue in Kobane and Qamishlo.

– Tishreen Dam is non-operational. This means >2 million people are facing severe water shortages. UNICEF, Committee of the Red Cross in Syria and Syrian Red Crescent conduct joint mission to the Dam’s technical management facility for urgent repairs.

## M4 area

– Power station in Til Temir was fixed with support of Russian forces, but was bombed again few hours later as well as other villages of Til Temir front lines.

# Foreign politics

## In EU

– A delegation of the DAANES is in Strasbourg for talks with parties in the European Parliament. The talks are about the latest developments in Syria after the overthow of Assad, the ongoing attacks by Turkey and its proxy force SNA, the increasing threat from the so-called Islamic State and the humanitarian situation on the ground.

– EU Left coalition leader M. Schirdewan has spoken out in the EU Parliament in favor of recognizing the DAANES. “That would be credible European foreign policy.”

– Head of EU parliament U.v.d.Leyen: “The EU-Turkey relationship is important. Our economic relationship is growing stronger every year. And Turkey remains a key partner on migration. An extra €1 billion for 2024 is on its way to support Turkey’s efforts to host Syrian refugees.”

## In US

– The Pentagon says the ISIS prison camp al-Hol presents a significant security concern in the sense that were ISIS able to affect some type of breakout, of any detention facility, that would be a significant setback and something that would be very concerning. Which is why we continue to work very closely with the SDF. (…) the SDF that maintains the facility and the US military provides sort of a — kind of an outer layer of security out there.

# Damascus government

– UN expects 1 mil. refugees to return to Syria within the next year

– More mass graves have been discovered outside Damascus. Estimations say that up to 150.000 prison detainees had been killed, doubling previous estimates.

# Analysis

We can see how EU and US are not concerned with the past of HTS as a branch of Al-Qaeda, accepting their provisional government very fast. At the same time very little support or recognition has been given to NES, even when has been the main force on the ground fighting ISIS. Clearly the deciding factors for western powers are not human rights, ethical values and democracy as they like to claim, their decisions are being guided by anti-refugee sentiments and economical interests on oil and gas.

As right-wing parties take more power in governments, their electoral promises of harder migration laws guide their political programs. Those governments end up supporting authoritarian regimes that promise order and stability, hoping they will keep refugees away from their borders, when its exactly those regimes that force people to flee. There is a long history of western powers, especially US, supporting religious fundamentalist groups over socialist revolutionary forces. This goes against ethnic and religious minorities and especially against women and queers, since religious fundamentalism and patriarchy always go hand in hand.

A German organisation called GfbV (society for threatened peoples) warned:
“The new rulers of Syria are presenting themselves in the media as moderate, but there are already many signs that they are not keeping their promises. (…)
Turkish ruler Erdoğan has already sent his foreign minister to Damascus to torpedo a peaceful solution between HTS and DANNES. Erdoğan’s policy is extremely dangerous. The German government, especially the Federal Foreign Office, must not rely on Erdoğan and the Syrian Islamists if it really wants to create stability and a long-term peace order”

We see that the liberal left seems more aware of the situation, but they are not gonna risk anything to stop it. As it already happened with ISIS, there are threats that won’t be stopped with political diplomacy and economic sanctions. Fascism can have many colors, and it is always in deeply militarized and patriarchal environments where it thrives the best. Religious fundamentalism is therefore a perfect ground for fascism in the Middle East, as islamophobia and racist nationalism is in western territories.

Fascism needs to be stopped before it’s to late. Even if having different colors, authoritarian forces will eventually cooperate to eradicate autonomy and diversity. The mentality of dominant male, imposing their hegemony and dreaming of bigger and bigger nation-states under their rule, is the main threat for any expression of free life. But denouncing it is not enough, we have to take action to make sure their ambitions are prevented. And if not you, who? If not now, when?

One solution. Revolution.

Revolutionary greetings!

Updates 16-12-24


# NES updates

– The ceasefire negotiations between SDF and Turkey failed. There are significant military buildups of SNA forces around Kobane, that may indicate an imminent attack. SDF is ensuring commitment to defend the region, having positions around Qereqozah bridge.

– Ambulances and other vehicles that went to evacuate people in Manbij had been prevented to access the city by SNA groups.

– In Tal Rifat, SNA groups called for all men between 18 to 60 years old to leave the city in the next 48 hours. Many people rejected that call and allegedly riots broke out. SNA imposed a curfew, not allowing anyone to leave their homes

– A big demonstration on Kobane against the threat of Turkish invasion happen today. Protests against SNA groups looting and killing also continued in Manbij.

– Turkey continues the bombings of critical infrastructure all around NES. The power station of Til Temir has been attacked again, cutting electricity in all the city.

–, a research institution of the self-administration, published a file identifying 415 ISIS fighters operating within the ranks of the SNA. Allegedly, it was found in a SNA fighter memory card with instructions for the ISIS fighters to advance to Kobani after capturing Qereqozah bridge.

# Syria political transition

– Ahmed Al-Sharaa (a.k.a. Abu Mohamed al-Jolani) met with Geir Pedersen, special envoy from the UN, discussing about the ongoing process of political transition in Syria. An statement emphasized they work for “inclusive and credible political transition, led and owned by Syria, based on the principles outlined in Security Council Resolution 2254”, and also “the UN’s intention to provide all forms of assistance to the Syrian people”.

– A top diplomat from the EU confirms that sanctions will remain in place for now, due to ongoing concerns over Syria’s political landscape and opposition dynamics.

– Convoys of the Military Operation Administration (linked to the HTS military operation) arrived and deployed in Deir Ezzor city.

– US announced several strikes against ISIS, stating 12 fighters killed and no civilian casualties.

– Israeli warplanes have carried out intense airstrikes targeting multiple sites in the rural areas of Tartus and Latakia, including warehouses and air defense bases.

– Explosions heard in Albukamal area, near the border with Iraq, when an unidentified drone was flying over that region.

# Civil protests and International Solidarity

– Activists of women organizations and other kurdish political organizations are organizing protest camps in both sides of the Syria-Turkey border in the cities of Qamishlo-Nusaybin.

– Activists in Germany have occupied a former turkish embassy building and the famous Brandenburger Tor in Berlin, hanging banners in solidarity with Rojava and lighting fireworks.

– Activists in Vienna installed a “security zone for democracy” in front of the turkish embassy, declaring Turkey responsible for the ongoing escalation in NES and demanding a political solution.

# Analysis

Not much time for sharing analysis on the last days, but we have to remark once again that the risk of an attack on Kobane is very hight. We will follow the situation but internet cuts can also be common if the conflict escalates. Keep updated and #DefendRojava

Revolutionary greetings!


—————- Separate update —————–

10 point diplomacy proposal of NES

The Autonomous Administration of NES has proposed 10 points to start a political dialogue with the provisional goverment.

“Cooperation between the governments of NES and Damascus would be to the advantage of everyone in Syria and could help overcome the current difficulties.”

1. First of all, it is important to maintain the unity and sovereignty of the Syrian state and to protect the country from attacks by the Turkish state and its supporters.

2. Military operations on the entire Syrian territory should be ended to start a comprehensive and constructive national dialogue.

3. We appeal to all sides, to refrain from rhetoric of hatred and betrayal to pave the way for a constructive dialogue. Syria is a country that is rich in many ways. This wealth must be preserved, based on justice and democracy.

4. We suggest an early meeting of the Syrian political actor: inside in Damascus to standardize the visions for the transition phase.

5. We would like to work for women to participate even more in the political process than before.

6. We emphasize that resources and economic wealth should be distributed fairly between all Syrian regions, since they belong to all citizens of the Syria.

7. We would like to work to ensure that the original and violently displaced population can return to their areas. It is important to us to preserve their cultural heritage and to end the policies of demographic change.

8. In view of the developments in Syria, we reaffirm our commitment in the fight against terrorism to prevent the return of IS terrorists, through the joint cooperation between SDF and the international anti-IS coalition.

9. We are of the firm believe that the occupation must be ended. The Syrian people must be given the opportunity to determine their future and use the principle of the good neighborhood.

10. We welcome the constructive role of the Arab states, the United Nations, the International Anti-IS coalition and all active international actors and ask everyone to take on a positive and effective role in the advice and support of the Syrian people. And to facilitate the communication between the different population groups in order to ensure stability and security and stop foreign interventions. “

Updates 15-12-24


# Political transition in Syria

– Declarations of Ahmed al-Sharaa (aka al-Jolani):
All factions will be dissolved and there will be no weapons except in the hands of the state.
The first priorities are to rebuild the destroyed homes and return all displaced until the last tent.
There will be no more compulsory military service.
Very important economic decisions will be taken.

# NES updates

– YPJ anounced that will soon publish a report on the attacks. Since 27.11 SDF is counting 112 shehids from SDF, Asayish, Komandos, YPG, YPJ, Syriac military council, HRE and HPC

– American military convoy arrived in kobane and raised a US flag in the main administration center, stating their intention to remain in the city to deter a Turkish attack.

– Protests continue in Manbij after the occupation of SNA, with multiple tribes expressing their support for SDF. A general strike was called to start today, with many shops and workshops closing down in protest for the crimes of SNA.

# ISIS resurgence

– Iraqi security officials warn of a looming ISIS plot to target prisons in Syria controlled by the
SDF, potentially leading to a mass escape of terrorists.

– Humanitarian NGO working in Hol camp, that hosts more than 40.000 women and children of ISIS fighters, suspended it’s work due to fear of a possible rebellion and attacks.

# International solidarity

– In the global Day of action, December 14th 2024, many protests and actions in Defense of Rojava took place in many different cities. To find more about it follow the campaign RiseuUp4Rojava

Revolutionary greetings!

Updates 14-12-24

Updates 14-12-24

# Political transition

– Al Julani made a several statements to consolidate his position as ‘de facto’ head of Syrian state, using a moderate and conciliatory tone, claiming no conflict with Israel or Iran, will to stop captaon production in Syria (a drug that the regime was producing)

– The Aacqba arab conference concluded with a statement supporting the current Syria transition and condemning Israel expansion of the “security zone”.

– Turkey has been the first state to open embassy on Damascus, after more than 12 years since they close their embassy in the Syrian capital.

– 150 mass graves containing what is estimated to be 75,000 bodies are being digged in Al-Hussainiya area in the Damascus countryside, behind the Conference Palace.

# Eufrates Region

– Bodies of SDF fighters are being buried, mostly in Kobane but also in other places where those fighters came from.

– SNA is looting and destroying several locations in Manbij. They burned an important library, they killed a restaurant owner while looting his place and many more crimes are being reported.

– SDF command decleared that the ceasfire on the Tishrin dam has not been implemented and that is therefore not effective. SNA is now mobilizing big numbers of soldiers towards the Qereqozah bridge in the kobane region border. Allegedly, turkey is also rallying forces on the Turkey-Syria border around Kobane. Supply of water and electricity from Tishrin to Kobane region dam has also been cut.

# ISIS resurge

– The Palmyra region and the Hamad Syrian desert are witnessing continuous raids of ISIS. The number of ISIS attacks since toppling Bashar al-Assad on December 8 is now 6, resulting in the deaths of 70 people, including civilians and soldiers.

# Context on the ceasefire disagreements –

The tomb of Suleyman Shah, short explanation Written by YPG/YPJ International

Part of the negotiated ceasefire between #SDF and #Turkey was connected to the location of the tomb of Suleyman Shah and its military implications. Let’s dive into this a little deeper to understand what this is all about:

Suleyman Shah lived in 13th century and, according to Ottoman legacy, is the grandfather of Osman I, who founded the Ottoman Empire. Because todays #Turkey likes to see itself as successor of the Ottoman Empire, the tomb and remains are important for them.

The tomb of Suleyman Shah was Turkey’s only foreign enclave, located more or less 30km from the Turkish border close to Qere Qozaq, on the river banks of Euphrates. In 2014 the tomb and its 38 Turkish guards, were completely surrounded by #ISIS.

So the tomb was brought to Ashme village, between #Kobane and Euphrates river, a site closer to the Turkish border, where it was easier and less risky to protect, but still on Syrian (and #SDF) territory. Turkey stressed that the relocation would only be temporarily.

While now negotiating the ceasefire, it was offered to help transfer the tomb again, but #Turkey instead requested that it will be given 1km of land in this area, where they intend to deploy heavy weapons and build a military base. Thus no agreement could be reached.


Revolutionary greetings!

Updates 13-12-24


# Syria political transition

– Turkey declares they will open their embassy in damascus tomorrow saturday to support the transitional government

– The EU is promising 4M€ for a new Humanitarian Air Bridge to deliver emergency healthcare and essential supplies to Syria. This comes as European countries freeze all asylum cases for Syrians, discussing deportations in far-right dominated debates.

– Israeli defense minister make claims about the region of the newly occupied ‘security zone’ as “historical moment of Mount Hermon returned to our control after 51 years”, indicating their intention of holding those territories besides all declarations of “temporary buffer zone”.

– In a meeting between US and Turkey, Blinken spoke of the “need to ensure that the coalition to fight ISIS can continue to fulfill its important task […] crucial to making sure [the re-emergence of ISIS] doesn’t happen are the Syrian Democratic Forces, which we support”


– The Kurdistan National Congress met with dozens of Kurdish tribal and political figures in Jazira Canton to emphasize their support for their military forces and the Democratic Autonomous Administration, calling on the Kurds to achieve national unity.

– Merazins (burial ceremonies) of fighters against the turkish attacks are taking place all around northern Syria. 9 Komandos and 2 YPJ fighters who fell in the defense of Manbij, together with 2 HPC-jin (women civil defense forces) who fell in Qereqozah had been burried in Kobane. 4 fighters of the Syriac military council who fell in the frontlines of the M4 – Til Temir region were buried in Hasseke.
In Aleppo 10 fighters from different YPG/HRE units were laid to rest.

– Rumours and fabricated lists of alleged demands of HTS and SDF negotiations that are circulating in social networks had been revealed fake by the political bodies of the DAANES.

– Dismissing the ceasefire agreements, SNA attacked and took control of the Tishrin dam. Allegedly, SDF recaptured the area later in a counter offensive.

– SNA factions are also starting ground attacks on the Ain Issa region from the occupied strip near the M4 road, with artillery support of the Turkish army. In the Til Temir region of the Turkish occupied strip also constant bombing

# International solidarity: Global day of action December 14th

– There is an internationalist call for a global day of action for tomorrow 14th of December. We call you all to support this, joint protests and take action to defend the revolution!

Revolutionary greetings!