“Of all ideologies, anarchy is the one that addresses liberty and equalitarian relations in a realistic and ultimate fashion. It is consistent with each individual having an opportunity to live a complete and total life.”
Kuwasi Balagoon
Awesome painting our good friend and great heval did in our noqte to remember BLA fighter and anarchist Kuwasi Balagoon. His life and actions remain an inspiration to many of us! He will never be forgotten. Complete support for black liberation! Şehîd Namirin! Şehîd Namirin! Continue reading Kuwasi Balagoon painting→
We commemorate the one year anniversary of the Afrin invasion. We were in afrin from the beginning until the end. We were active on the Raco and Cinderese front and were prepared for the final defense of the city. We support the continued struggle of the people in Afrin!
Today, we, a militant anarchist collective, announce our presence in Rojava and our participation in the newly reformulated International Freedom Battalion. Tekosina Anarsist (Anarchist Struggle) was formed in Rojava in the Autumn of 2017. But we chose not to be outward facing due to strategical and security reasons. With the looming threat of Turkish invasion, in response we now believe it is important to become public and announce our existence here. As committed anarchist internationalists we view the struggle here as an important fight for women’s liberation and peoples’ self-determination. … Continue reading Tekoşîna Anarşîst/Anarchist Struggle announces it’s presence in Rojava (EN/DE/FR/IT/RU))→
Revolutionary anarchist organization working in NE Syria (Rojava)