Category Archives: Statements

statements, announcements and communiques made by Tekoşîna Anarşîst

Political memorial for Lorenzo Orsetti (ş. Tekoşer Piling) in Athens

Video of the event is not available at the moment.

On Friday, May 10, 2019 in Athens a political memorial service took place for the anarchist comrade Lorenzo Orsetti who was killed on March 18, 2019 while fighting ISIS in the Syrian town of Baghouz al-Fawqani.
The event is co-organized by the Anarchist Political Organization – OS and the Anarchist Federation following a request-invitation of the “Anarchist Struggle” – Tekoşîna Anarşîst), within whose ranks Continue reading Political memorial for Lorenzo Orsetti (ş. Tekoşer Piling) in Athens

Kuwasi Balagoon painting

Tekoşîna Anarşîst on March 13th, 2019:

“Of all ideologies, anarchy is the one that addresses liberty and equalitarian relations in a realistic and ultimate fashion. It is consistent with each individual having an opportunity to live a complete and total life.”

Kuwasi Balagoon

Awesome painting our good friend and great heval did in our noqte to remember BLA fighter and anarchist Kuwasi Balagoon. His life and actions remain an inspiration to many of us! He will never be forgotten. Complete support for black liberation! Şehîd Namirin! Şehîd Namirin! Continue reading Kuwasi Balagoon painting