Category Archives: Interviews

Interviews made with Tekoşîna Anarşîst

Interview with Facção Fictícia: Anarchism and struggle for life in Northeast Syria

Published on September 23rd in

1. What is and how you define the work of Tekoşîna Anarşîst? Where do you operate and how is the relation with the communities in the Syrian territory? (of course, not exactly where you are, but just the canton or some broader reference)

Tekoşîna Anarşîst is a revolutionary anarchist collective composed of people from different parts of the world working in North East Syria (Western Kurdistan) to support the ongoing revolution. … Continue reading Interview with Facção Fictícia: Anarchism and struggle for life in Northeast Syria

Interview with Têkoşîna Anarşist by FAU (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya)

Published on July 31st in

1) From Latin America we have been following with attention and special interest what is happening in Rojava and Syria. First of all, could you explain the formation of the Battalion of libertarian comrades and their links with the Kurdish resistance?

Since the beginning of the Rojava revolution, especially following the resistance in Kobanê in 2015, international volunteers have come to confront the Daesh (ISIS) and defend the revolution. In the early years most of the international volunteers came in coordination with YPG and YPJ, the Kurdish self-defense militias. Given the anti-state character of the political project of Rojava, anarchists from different continents joined the struggle in defense of the revolution, often arriving in a disparate and disorganized way. … Continue reading Interview with Têkoşîna Anarşist by FAU (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya)

Big talk with Tekoşîna Anarşîst (I and II)

Part I: Rojava complexity

Originally published in Hevale on winter 2019

Anarchist Struggle (Kurdish: Tekoşîna Anarşîst) is the organized structure of libertarian revolutionaries who actively participate in ongoing revolution in Rojava. We took a chance to make an interview with the comrades. In first part of our conversations we discussed relations of A.S. with Marxist-Leninist organizations and contradictions in Rojava social development from Anarchist perspective. We didn’t try to avoid complicated questions and uncomfortable topics and received very meaningful answers from Tekoşîna Anarşîst participants. We hope that this sincere dialogue will be important for libertarian readers worldwide. Continue reading Big talk with Tekoşîna Anarşîst (I and II)

The Final Straw radio: Anarchists In Conflict. Rojava + Yellow Vest Movement

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The Final Straw radio:
“In lieu of this month’s BADNews, the gathering produced an 8 hour radio show last week and elements of this broadcast. We’ll present here two interviews from that broadcast concerning the struggle for autonomy in the social revolutionary region of Rojava, in northern Syria. The first is with a fighter with the Tekosina Anarsist (Anarchist Struggle, starts at 42:49) and the second with Zaher Baher, a member of the Kurdish Anarchist Forum in London (starts at 57:04).”