All posts by tekosinaanarsist

R.I.P. Jamie Janson

We would like to commemorate Jamie Janson, an ex-YPG volunteer who took his own life on the 4th of September 2019. Some of us had an honour to be together with him during the defense of Afrin.

Rest in Power Jamie. Şehîd namirin!

Political memorial for Lorenzo Orsetti (ş. Tekoşer Piling) in Athens

Video of the event is not available at the moment.

On Friday, May 10, 2019 in Athens a political memorial service took place for the anarchist comrade Lorenzo Orsetti who was killed on March 18, 2019 while fighting ISIS in the Syrian town of Baghouz al-Fawqani.
The event is co-organized by the Anarchist Political Organization – OS and the Anarchist Federation following a request-invitation of the “Anarchist Struggle” – Tekoşîna Anarşîst), within whose ranks Continue reading Political memorial for Lorenzo Orsetti (ş. Tekoşer Piling) in Athens