All posts by tekosinaanarsist

Interview with Têkoşîna Anarşist by FAU (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya)

Published on July 31st in

1) From Latin America we have been following with attention and special interest what is happening in Rojava and Syria. First of all, could you explain the formation of the Battalion of libertarian comrades and their links with the Kurdish resistance?

Since the beginning of the Rojava revolution, especially following the resistance in Kobanê in 2015, international volunteers have come to confront the Daesh (ISIS) and defend the revolution. In the early years most of the international volunteers came in coordination with YPG and YPJ, the Kurdish self-defense militias. Given the anti-state character of the political project of Rojava, anarchists from different continents joined the struggle in defense of the revolution, often arriving in a disparate and disorganized way. … Continue reading Interview with Têkoşîna Anarşist by FAU (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya)

To comrades in Russia. A letter from Tekoşîna Anarşîst

We watched the «Network» case process until the end. We wish comrades to be strong, and use the time in prison to learn, educate, maintain and develop revolutionary spirit and human dignity, and come out of that ordeal stronger than before. We wish freedom for all as soon as possible. The torture can break, injure and kill people, but it can never kill our ideas. Continue reading To comrades in Russia. A letter from Tekoşîna Anarşîst

Remember George Floyd and all those murdered by State brutality

Repression is the response of an increasingly desperate imperialist ruling clique to contain an otherwise uncontrollable and growing popular disaffection leading ultimately, we think, to the revolutionary transformation of society.

– Angela Davis

You have to understand that people have to pay the price for peace. If you dare to struggle, you dare to win. If you dare not to struggle then god damn it, you don’t deserve to win.

– Fred Hampton

The uprisings ongoing in America, a response to the police brutality that murdered George Floyd, are underlining the racist origins of the american states, founded on genocide and built by slaves. … Continue reading Remember George Floyd and all those murdered by State brutality